Rock: Nundoorite or Nunderite
Form: Bracelet
Best known for: Nature | Grounding | Focus | Stability
Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus and Root
Use + Metaphysical Properties:
Nundoorite is said to have a strong connection to the Earth and to nature, as is said to be a strong grounding stone that is able to bring harmony and inner peace to those who possess it. It is said to bring balancing energy to balance ones emotions, as well as increasing focus and concentration and overall stability in life.
Geological Formation:
Chemical composition: n{NaFe3+Si2O6} p{KAlSi3O8} | Mohs Hardness: 6.5
Nundoorite is considered a rare rock, not a mineral, and could only be found in outback New South Wales in Australia. It gets its name from a sheep station near Broken Hill called Nundora Station, and was first found here in the 1960's, however, mines of this have since been depleted. Geologically, Nundoorite is an aegirine-orthoclase syenite rock, with syenites being a type of igneous rock. Nundoorite rocks are similar to granite but consist of less quartz, and more feldspar, mainly orthoclase. Chemically, these rocks generally contain elements chemically bonded together such as sodium, iron, silicon, potassium, aluminium and oxygen.