Crystal: Golden Rutile (Rutilated Quartz)
Form: Bracelet
Best known for: Cleansing | Protection | Reflection | Happiness
Chakra: All chakras
Use + Metaphysical Properties:
Golden rutile, also known as rutilated quartz, is a variety of quartz that contains inclusions of a mineral called titanium dioxide. Visually, the titanium dioxide inclusions look like golden or reddish-brown coloured needle-like threads that are distributed throughout the quartz.
Geological Formation:
Chemical composition: SiO2 with TiO2 | Mohs Hardness: 6-7.5
Golden rutile is predominantly made up of silicon dioxide (quartz) with titanium dioxide (rutile) inclusions that look like golden needles, hence the name 'golden rutile' or 'rutilated quartz'. The formation of these crystals usually occur through hydrothermal processes in igenous rocks called pegmatites, where very hot, mineral-rich fluids flow through the cavities in the rocks and deposit the minerals. It is here where the liquid cools and forms quartz and rutile crystals that interlock during their formation, creating the spectacular pattern exhibited by golden rutile crystals.
Feng Shui:
In Feng Shui, Rutilated quartz is said to attract wealth luck and abundance, being a highly energising crystal that is said to reignite passion in difficult times or projects. It is known as the 'illuminator for the soul' and is also said to:
- Enhance confidence, concentration and foresight to help prepare you when facing new challenges
- Allow you to distinguish the positive or negative motives of a person or place
- Bring you the strength you need to take action in fixing a situation you may not have been able to see was damaged or toxic beforehand
- Bring you protection from negative spirits when travelling
- Make you more clearly see and experience the joy in life, while also soothing dark moods and depression.
- Relieve loneliness, feelings of guilt, phobias, anxiety, and fears
- Increase healing time for injuries and slow down aging - as it is believed for people who wear it, they will give off a better aura